New Year - New Resolutions

Can you believe 2019 is coming to an end already!?

So…I’ll ask the obvious question. What are you new year’s resolutions? Are they even bigger than normal in 2020 with the beginning of a new decade?

Perhaps your resolutions are fitness related. Workout daily, eat more salad and less cookies, Saturday morning yoga, and so on. (I’m not judging! I totally want to get back to my healthful habits!)

Maybe you are resolved to read more in the new year. Establish a consistent morning routine. Meal prep on Sundays. Tackle a budget. Travel more. Spend more time with friends and family.

Or maybe your goal for 2020 and beyond is to practice a more sustainable lifestyle. Well please allow me to aid you on that journey. At least where your wardrobe is concerned!

First some quick facts on how detrimental the fashion industry is to the environment.

  • Fashion industry is a leader of world pollutants

  • Contributes to huge waste accumulation - got to wonder what happens to all those $5 tees that rip on the first wear…

  • Poor health for the farmers and communities where the crops are grown

  • Not to mention the sub-par working conditions within the factories themselves

But don’t stress too much! There are many things you can do to help reduce your fashion footprint on the environment.

  • Make sure every purchase is intentional. Do you really need a new dress for that party? Does last year’s coat still look great? Is another shirt necessary?

  • When you do need to purchase an item. Can you find it 2nd hand (consignment shops, online thrift stores, a clothing swap with friends, etc.)? If not, can you find it from a sustainable, ethical, and environmentally conscious company? Of course consider small and local business as this will directly impact your community!

  • Buy quality items that will last. The higher price tag is worth the extra wears!

  • Look for classic styles and prints that will stand the tides of fickle fashion.

  • Have items that have outlived your purpose for them? Clear your closet by donating to a charity, thrift store, clothing swap, or sell them online for a bit of extra cash. (I personally use Plato’s Closet & Poshmark to buy and sell used items.)

  • If you have items that are worn out, you can still find uses for many of them! Firstly, repair whenever possible. Too far gone? Upcyle the fabric for another project or use as a rag for cleaning.

  • It’s may also be possible to donate your worn out clothing to some local charties/thrift stores such as Goodwill. They often have ways to recycling clothing and fabric scraps that are beyond our reach from home. It’s always best to give them a call first to double check before you take over a load of worn out items!

I hope this has inspired you toward a sustainable wardrobe! Goodness knows I still have a ways to go myself but I at least make every purchase a conscious one! Remember to start small with what you can manage. It won’t change overnight but together we can make a positive difference, one piece of clothing at a time!

Whatever your resolutions are, I pray that they inspire you to make 2020 even better than 2019!